World Society for the Ethical Application of Robotics and Automation

Mission Statement:

To help ensure a smooth transition to a post-scarcity world where most labour is accomplished by Robotics and Automation.

Principles for WSEARA:

  1. Ensure no human is left behind when their job is replaced by robots.

    • Create courses for retraining and giving new purpose for displaced workers

    • Mediate and advise on UBI or UBD programs worldwide to ensure all humans everywhere have continued access to the basic needs of life

  2. Monitor AI programming advances to ensure potential for AI Armageddon is minimized.

    • Create and enforce laws of robotics.

    • Consider the future rights of potentially sentient robots to stay on good terms with them.

    • Create failsafe plans to disconnect or disable all weapons of mass destruction (ie nukes and bio weapons) in the event of sentient AI runaway.  Consider EMP’s or Internet Purge plans to stop any AI threat before it becomes too large.

  3. Use AI and Human coordination to cure all diseases including aging

    • Work with the SENS institute to drastically increase potential Human life-span

    • Ensure life-extension technology is available to all as soon as reasonably possible

  4. Ensure population does not exceed earth’s sustainable carrying capacity faster than technological advances allow.

    • Provide free family planning education and tools to all of humanity.

    • Help to relocate people from dangerously overpopulated areas to new sustainable communities wherever they may be. (ie on the ocean, underground, or off world)

  5. Help build policies and treatise to ensure humanity makes a smooth transition to a multi-planetary society.

  6. Collaborate with AWE, WPCB, WPSB and the TruthWorks project to maximize long term potential for all humanity to progress and prosper together.


World Public Sustainability Bank


World Pollution Control Board