World Public Sustainability Bank

Mission Statement

To create an incorruptible bank for the people by the people to fund sustainable companies and initiatives and share all the profits equally with all citizens of the world.

Principles of the WPSB:

  1. Shared Ownership

    • Owned equally by every human on the planet - profits will be distributed equally and unconditionally to every registered world citizen at monthly intervals. Call it a Universal Basic Dividend, or UBD.

    • Every person has an equal vote on any resolution -. People may choose to delegate their votes to someone they trust and respect. Delegation can be changed or rescinded at any time.

  2. Flexible

    • WPSB will be able to issue its own currency called World Public Credits (WPC) and invest in any company worldwide. Bonds supporting WPC may be sold to any individual in the world at an initial coupon rate of 2% per annum to raise funds as needed. This rate may be modified gradually to manage inflation via established economic processes.

    • WPC can be easily converted to any established global currency with a 0.1% exchange fee. Starting value of 1 WPC will be equivalent to 1 USD.

    • WPSB supported companies chosen both by long-term profitability (P/E <25) as well as benefits to global sustainability and prosperity. Global Prosperity Index (GPI) > 3%. GPI explained more in a separate document.  

    • Supported companies are able to automatically issue batches of new stock to the WPSB at 0.1% less than the current share price anytime WPSB ownership drops below 5% based on the buying and selling practices listed below in the Stability section (batches may be completed in increments of up to 10% of the total market value of the company).  Whenever WPSB ownership of any company passes 51% or P/E rises greater than 40 or GPI drops below 2% a hold on trading will occur and the company will be reviewed by the  WPSB corporate negotiations committee to decide what actions might be taken to ensure a return to long-term sustainability for the maximum benefit of all stakeholders, i.e., everyone in the world. Issues may be submitted to the WPSB Review Board as needed.

    • All companies are encouraged to include all societal costs of pollution as part of their balance sheets. Worldwide taxes on all forms of pollution may be instituted by the United Nations gradually and collected through the WPSB to redistribute back to the people of the world equally or to invest in environmental restoration projects.

    • Mortgages, Business Loans, Lines of Credit, Debit or Credit Cards, Payday Loans, and Insurance will be offered at very competitive prices with the long-term goal of buying up and merging all world financial institutions into one jointly owned and publicly managed entity.

  3. Stable

    • WPSB will have a massive buy order and sell order for each supported company stock to ensure price stability and combat insider trading of all kinds. A spread of $0.01 WPC between the Buy and Sell price of all supported stocks will be established. Profit from buying and selling stocks each day will be added to the monthly UBD payment.  

    • Executives of each company will be allowed to negotiate the rate for the increase of their stock based on their improving P/Es and GPIs. A minimum stock price increase of 2% and a maximum of 15% per annum will be established and posted annually for each supported company. WPSB will raise their buy and sell prices by a maximum of 0.35% each week or 0.05% per day.

    • Stocks will not be issued or diluted in any manner other than the established process of issuing more stocks to the WPSB directly at the prescribed 0.1% discount, i.e., no poison pills or golden parachute stock options for executives.

    • If additional funding for expansion is required additional stocks may be issued to the WPSB as negotiated on a case by case basis provided PEs and GPIs always remain within acceptable limits.

    • WPC value will be tied to the average world price of an established basket of all necessary goods including food, healthcare, energy, and housing costs. Inflation will be controlled by gradually modifying the posted bond rate as needed. The target inflation rate will be 1-2% per annum.

  4. Transparent

    • WPC will be a 100% digital currency with top level blockchain security and a public ledger supporting it.

    • All financial transactions above 10,000 WPC will be publicly viewable at any time.

  • Transactions above a certain amount may need to be verified by the WPSB review board or backed by trusted entities before they are completed. Fraudulent transactions can be reversed by the decision of the WPSB review board after proper transparent investigations are completed.

  • The bank is run by a quorum of 12 executives with equal voice and voting rights on new resolutions, to be elected by 12 separate world regions grouped by population for rolling periods of 6 years. 2 new officials per year with maximum time in office limited to 1 term.

  • Elections all use a mandatory ranking priority where votes are changed if a person's first choice is 3rd place or worse after the first counting to ensure that all votes are rolled up to just the top two contenders. This ensures no one’s vote is ever wasted voting for an underdog as their first choice. Elections are 100% digital with user verified account encryption technology and votes at each stage verified by multiple unbiased parties with fully transparent methods to prevent fraud of any kind.

  • Any executive may be removed at any time by a 60% vote of non-confidence from the general public triggered by a 75% (9/12) vote of non-confidence from the executives. All personal financial transactions and assets of all executives are made public for the rest of their lives to minimize bribery or corruption of any kind. Compensation of all elected executives is set at 500,000 WPC/year adjusted annually for inflation.

  • Executives may pass new resolutions with a majority vote of 75%. Each quarter, a public vote with a duration of 2-weeks will be called for any number of resolutions submitted and approved by any 4 executives. A 60% vote of the public is needed to pass a new resolution.

  • Executives are in charge of hiring and managing staff and committees for all day-to-day operations of the WPSB. All e-mail and video meetings between staff and executives will be recorded and available for public viewing at any time. No back door deals of any kind will be tolerated. Unnecessary red tape will always be minimized. Volunteer public oversight committees will ensure decisions are made in as fair and unbiased a manner as possible and can submit any questionable decisions or actions to the WPSB review board. Submissions will be grouped by the offending party involved, ranked by the public and handled in a top down order.

  • The review board is made up of a number of groups of 12 randomly selected informed individuals throughout the world (similar to jury duty) to review any issues brought up by oversight committees, staff, or executives and make decisions for rectification in accordance with the review board handbook.  

  • In order to be eligible for review board selection a person must complete a course and pass a basic test showing knowledge of the handbook. Review board groups change daily and selected individuals are paid a small stipend of 20 WPC/hour to compensate them for their time.  

  • A rectification decision may be appealed twice but if the rectification decision stands the same through all 3 randomly selected secret and impartial board groups then the costs of the appeal will be paid for by the appealing party. If the decision is different then the results and notes of all previous board meetings will be reviewed again by a higher-level board (including only individuals with 1000+ hours of review board experience) and they will make the final ruling for rectification in accordance with the handbook.

To be Created : WPSB Review Board Handbook, GPI Guidelines Handbook, WPSB Corporate Negotiations Committee Handbook.

Steps to begin:

  1. Recruit and coordinate with any interested individuals or groups.

  2. Complete charter and draft of handbooks with help from all parties.

  3. Gather funding through individual investments or donations for the initial forming of the World Public Sustainability Bank owned by everyone, coordinating with lawyers, governments, and IT professionals as needed.  

  4. Register World Citizens to elect the first 12 executives.

  5. Pick a few established profitable companies to begin to invest with. Negotiate to find ones willing to work with us and follow our charter.

  6. Grow to a point where we can issue our own digital currency that is respected and stable on the world markets and use that currency to aggressively invest in all profitable companies that meet our charter requirements.

  7. Begin monthly payout of UBD to all Registered World Citizens based on current profits.  

  8. Save the world by continuously growing and iteratively improving the handbooks, charter, and guidelines until all people everywhere have an optimal chance at a prosperous, safe, and meaningful life.
