World Pollution Control Board

Mission Statement:

To set a specific average cost to humanity for each type of measurable pollution caused by human activity and pressure all governments worldwide to institute a global tax to account for the true cost of each activity and encourage a swift transition to more sustainable options.

Characteristics of the WPCB:

  1. Transparent

    • All internal meetings, activities and reports made by the WPCB are publicly viewable.

    • Reasoning for each set price is well documented and may be modified as new information becomes available

    • Main goal is to protect the commons (air, soil, water, climate), so that everyone can have optimal sustainable access to all the necessities of a prosperous existence.

  2. Inclusive

    • Include Board Members and Scientists from all regions of the world with an attempt to represent each region fairly based upon the number of people in the region

    • Work with corporations and governments to ensure all prices are set the same across the globe to ensure a level playing for everyone.

    • Allow the public to have a voice in the process though forums, polls, and occasional votes where the cost of a given type of pollution isn’t scientifically clear.

    • Where some areas are clearly affected more than others by certain types of pollution, efforts will be made to compensate or clean up those areas directly or in extreme cases pay to relocate people to unpolluted regions.

  3. Unbiased

    • Ensure donations or funding from special interest groups does not affect decisions of the Board in any manner.  Sources of all donations and funding above $1000 USD must be made public.

    • Board members should all be thoroughly vetted top level scientists who have a deep understanding of the true costs of pollution to society.

    • All board members' financial transactions must be made public to ensure bribes and corruption do not occur at any level.

  4. Scientific

    • All pollution costs must be peer reviewed by reputable unbiased scientists from all regions of the world.

    • Effects of pollution can be measured in easily duplicatable test environments and then extrapolated up to global levels.




Alternative World Education (AWE)