The Truthworks Project

Mission Statement:

A worldwide effort to expose Fake News and Corruption of all kinds by educating, certifying, and employing “Truth Wizards” to grade and categorize all influential individuals and news stories by a specific level of trustworthiness.  

Prerequisites of becoming a Truth Wizard:

  1. Extremely Intelligent

    • Top marks on all relevant aptitude tests administered by the Truthworks Academy

    • Logical critical thinker and expert debater.

    • Uses objective and scientific methods to observe individuals and cross check news stories from as many angles as possible.

  2. Unbiased

    • No direct ties to any political or news organization

    • Transparent -  Methodology for grading truth and integrity is made clear for anyone with the desire to dig deeper and learn from them.

    • Respected by at least 90% of society as a trusted source for Truth 

  3. Incorruptible

    • Proven to not value money or physical comforts over their own personal Integrity.

    • Law Abiding - No skeletons in the closet that can be used against them.  

    • Transparent - so that any threats that might cause changes in their methodology can be clearly seen and remedied.

Methods for Rating Truth:

Every major corporation, website, news organization, or influential individual should receive a trustworthy rating between 1-100 by as many Truth Wizard’s as possible with a direct link to their specific methodology and reasoning for why such a rating was given.  Artificial Intelligence Algorithms may also be used to give basic ratings to posts when they are deemed similar enough to something already rated by Truth Wizard’s previously. 

The average ratings for each entity can be viewed at any time on the Truthworks website.  An app can also be added to any browser or phone that will immediately show the trustworthiness ranking of any posting in the top right corner.  The default trustworthy rating would be 50% for any entity or post not yet graded by a Truth Wizard or the algorithm.

Truth Wizards will monitor and rate each other as well so that anyone found to be consistently inaccurate with their published ratings, without a solid explanation as to why, will lose their Truth Wizard’s Certification.  The public may also lodge formal complaints with supporting evidence against any Truth Wizard at any time as well.  If complaints are deemed to be valid by the Truthworks Review Board, a public transparent inquiry will be initiated to rectify.


Alternative World Education (AWE)